勝手に iChat 情報局

Mac OS X 10.5.3 Update

2008年5月28日にMac OS X 10.5.3 Updateがリリースされました。
アップデートの対象は,Mac OS X 10.5/10.5.1/10.5.2で、アップデート内容は、Mac OS X およびアプリケーションョン・ユーティリティ(Address Book, AirPort, Automator, iCal, iChat, Mail, Parental Controls, Spaces, Time Machine, VoiceOverなど)の安定性・互換性の向上とセキュリティ関連では、iCalやApacheの脆弱製が修正されています。

iChatの変更点は、About the Mac OS X 10.5.3 Updateより


Addresses reliability issues with screen sharing.
Resolves an issue in which saved chat transcripts may reported as “still in use” after opening and closing them in iChat.
Resolves an issue with group chats not being indexed in Spotlight.
Only the last 250 messages of an active chat are saved. Fixed to save unlimited number of lines.
Addresses issues with echo cancellation that may occur on portable Macs.
