5月 03

iChat に様々な機能を拡張する「Chax 1.4.1」が、リリースされていました.


Changes from 1.4:
・(New) Growl notifications for when a user comes online, goes offline, goes idle, goes away, and becomes available
・(New) Options to have the tab window come to the front when receiving a new message
・(New) Option to disable the close buttons on tabs
・(New) Option to have the contact lists automatically resize to fit the number of visible contacts
・(Feature improvement) Contact list row height will now adjust itself according to the size of a custom font as long as user icons are hidden (the two line view will not resize)
・(Feature improvement) Default iChat floating window notifications now work with tabs
・(Feature improvement) Clicking on a Growl message notification will bring iChat to the front and select the originating message window
・(Bugfix) Lock badge when using now appears properly in the tab window
・(Bugfix) File transfer progress windows should display properly now when using tabs
・(Bugfix) Fixed a crash when double-clicking on a status icon in the activity window.
・(Bugfix) AppleScript commands work again with tabs
・(Bugfix) “Add Hyperlink…” command now works properly with tabs
・(Bugfix) “Attach File…” command now works properly with tabs
・(Bugfix) New message tab status color overrides offline status color
・(Bugfix) Activity window now uses locale-specific date formats
・(Bugfix) Fixed minor cosmetic issues with tabs
・(Bugfix) Fixed an issue that would prevent installation for users who changed permissions on the InputManagers folder
・(Bugfix) Dragging tabs to the trash no longer causes problems

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